Reccuring Donations
$2000 to the San Rafael High School Yearbook to help offset printing costs and to provide scholarships for seniors who can't afford to purchase a yearbook.
$2000 to the San Rafael High School Cheerleading Program. (beginning 2021)
$100-$150 to the San Rafael High School Swimming and Diving Team (matching annual donation for $100-$150 from Robert W. Mayo, M.D., Class of 1951).
2019-2020 (12/1/19 to 11/30/20)
$5000 to the San Rafael High School Class of 2020 to help with the cost of the "Drive-In Graduation" at the Civic Center and for caps and gowns for those who cannot afford them.
(Note: SRHS was closed in mid-March, 2020 due to pandemic)
2018-2019 (12/1/18 to 11/30/19)
$2050 to SRHS Athletic Boosters for games and events sponsorship (fundraiser)
$5000 to SRHS Spirit Booster: $3000 for six cheerleading scholarships at $500 each for those in need and $3000 to help the Cheerleading Program where needed.
2017-2018 (12/1/17 to 11/30/18)
$500 to the San Rafael High School Class of 2018 to ensure that every graduate is able to attend their "Safe & Sober Grad Night."
$1000 to SRHS Athletic Boosters to help start a Girls' Lacrosse program
$1000 to SRHS Bullpen Club Baseball to aid in efforts to raise funds for new infield and on-campus clubhouse
$1500 to SRHS Athletic Boosters for games and events sponsorship (fundraiser)
$2500 to SRHS Spirit Booster to help the cheerleading program purcase outdoor "field" mats (safety equipment).
2016-2017 (12/1/16 to 11/30/17)
$500 to the SRHS Class of 2017 to ensure that every graduate is able to attend their "Safe & Sober Grad Night."
$1500 to the San RAfael igh School Stadium Fund for 12"x12" Engraved Granite Tile to support the Stadium Project
2015-2016 (12/01/15 to 11/30/16)
$500 to the SRHS Class of 2016 to ensure that every graduate is able to attend their "Safe & Sober Grad Night."
$2000 to SRHS's Inauguration Trip 2017 to help defray costa; enabling sudents to participate who wouldn't be able to attend this once-in-a-lifetime event.
2014-2015 (12/01/14 to 11/30/15)
$200 to the SRHS Athletic Boosters to help provide funding for equipment & other needs for every team.
$455 to the SRHS Radio Station KSRH 88.1 FM for their "Spring Break Anti-Drinking & Driving Campaign."
$500 to WeAreSR to share (1/3) of the cost for a Marin IJ Ad to congratulate the 2015 graduating class.
2013-2014 (12/01/13 to 11/30/14)
$250 to the SRHS Athletic Boosters to help provide funding for equipment & other needs for every team.
$300 to the SRHS Drama Department to help cover some of the cost of paint, fabric and supplies for their production of "The Wisard of Oz."
$455 to the SRHS Radio Station KSRH 88.1 FM for their "Spring Break Anti-Drinking & Driving Campaign."
$492 to WeAreSR to share (1/3) of the cost for a Marin IJ AD to congratulate the 201 graduating class.
$430 to the SRHS Library (matching funds for Trivia Bee fundraiser) for needed furniture items.
$455 to the San Rafael High School Radio Station, KSRH 88.1 FM for their “Spring & Graduation Anti Drinking and Driving Campaign” message series
$200 to the SRHS Athletic Boosters to sponsor one hole at 4th Annual Glow Ball 9-hole Tournament. Proceeds privide funding for equipment & other needs for every team.
2010-2011 (12/01/10 to 11/30/11)
2009-2010 (12/01/09 to 11/30/10)
$5,000 to build softball dugouts in conjunction with Athletic Boosters and SRCS district.
$4,382 to purchase new books for SRHS library.
$800 to build the San Rafael High School Garden Shed- Skylar Collins' Eagle Scout Project, Class 2010o the San Rafael High School Garden Shed which was Skylar Collins’ (Class 2010) Eagle Scout Project.
$455 to the San Rafael High School Radio Station, KSRH 88.1 FM for their “Spring & Graduation Anti Drinking and Driving Campaign” message series
$2,000 to WeAreSR! to aid students in areas that would be affected by budget cuts and maintain the school's high standards of education.
$2,100 to the San Rafael High School Art Boosters to purchase a sewing machine, painters canvas (in bulk), easels for showcase & community shows, and an additional enlarger for photography.
$5,000 to the San Rafael High School Literacy Program via a designated donation by Clement Glynn (1965) & Nancy Hoffman Glynn (1964).
$6,000 to the San Rafael High School Hayes Theater to help complete the renovation (lighting and sound) of auditorium.
$11,270 renovation project which included purchasing of 18 new benches and trash receptables.