San Rafael High School Alumni Association
San Rafael High School Alumni Association
We welcome you to become more involved with the San Rafael High School Alumni Association by becoming a member. Click the Join Now link above for more information on how to join &/or how to make a donation.
Members are always welcome to attend our Board Meetings. If you would like to attend the next Board Meeting please e-mail for details on the date, time and location.
We accept requests to join the Board of Directors on an ongoing basis. For info on the process on how to become a Board Member please come to a Board Meeting or contact The Alumni Association for further details.

The Board of Directors' Officer Positions are up for renewal every two years. Nominations are made from September through October and new officers are voted in during the October through November time frame and take office December 1. Officer positions can be volunteered for and placed into consideration.

Contact Us Today!

San Rafael High School Alumni Association
150 Third Street

San Rafael94901



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SRHS Established in 1888 - the oldest high school serving Marin County